• info@beehivetech.com.np
  • 9803449000
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Product Overview

Easy Real State is Nepal based Property Management System Software which is developed for managing of property that is owned by another party. Easy Real State software is the overseeing of residential, commercial and/or industrial real estate, including apartments, detached houses, condominium units, and shopping centers. Easy Real State management Software is used to connect property manager's and occupants like never ever before because it includes same technology used in customer relationship management. Due to this, property managers can now offer their occupants the kind of high-level customer service that is so important to developing long-term business relationships. The main features of Easy Real State Management System are as follows:-

1. fully cloud-based

2. reliable data security

3. makes easy for tenants to reach out

4. built-in analytics

5. data migration

6. data security

7. Mobile apps

8. better communications

9. highly Maintenance

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